Eco–nomy is a search engine that encourages people to shop green by connecting them to sustainable products and contextualizing product impact. Products are organized into four categories: Ocean Protectors, Air Defenders, Forest Guardians, and Land Preservers. By branding each product as a superhero protecting specific ecological areas, this browsing method could raise people’s awareness on sustainable shopping and also work as a promising product campaign.

Eco–nomy 是一个绿色购物搜索引擎,通过汇总互联网上各式各样的环保产品同时分类和可视化其环境影响,鼓励人们绿色消费。Eco–nomy 会把商品分成四个类别:海洋保护者、空气卫士、森林守护者和土地保护者。通过把产品包装成一个保护特定生态区域的超级英雄,提高人们对绿色消费的认识。此分类方法也可以拓展成一个有潜力的营销活动。

School of Visual Arts MFA Design
Graduate Thesis Project

Brand Identity
Motion Design

Applied Arts Award, Product Development, Winner

2022 – 2023

Amy Wang, Thesis Advisor
Steven Heller, Department Co-chair
Lita Talarico, Department Co-chair

Problem Statement

How might we encourage people to shop green? Although many people support eco-friendly shopping, only some take action. After a year of research and product development, I summarized three recurring pain points and came up with three product features that address them.


Pain Point 1

Lack of awareness: The benefits and impacts of sustainable shopping are vague and unclear. To provide context, Eco-nomy categorizes featured products based on their primary environmental impact on the ocean (such as using recycled plastic materials), air (lowering carbon footprint), forest (using renewable materials such as bamboo), or land (using biodegradable materials).


Shop by Environmental Impact Campaign

By branding each product as a superhero protecting specific ecological areas, shop by the four environmental impacts (land, forest, air, and ocean) could raise people’s awareness on sustainable shopping and also work as a promising product campaign.


Pain Point 2

Misconceptions: Sustainable products are often perceived as less stylish and pricier. Eco–nomy does not sell products, but rather aggregates sustainable products from hundreds of e-commerce sites through API so that users can have easier access to a variety of products, some of which must fit their budgets and tastes.


Pain Point 3

Inconvenience: Researching and locating sustainable products requires time and effort. Eco–nomy breaks down a product’s production process into four steps: sourcing, manufacturing, packaging, and shipping. It saves consumers a step to do research but also helps them appreciate sustainable products by specifying its level of sustainability during each phase.



The name Eco–nomy stands for a body of eco-friendly information and the branding is inspired by the four ecological areas essential to our lives: Land, Forest, Air, Ocean.


Pitch Book